for the design and turnkey construction of a complex for the production of mineral fertilizers and chemicals at the Turkmenabat chemical plant, Turkmenabat city, Turkmenistan.
To participate in the tender, it is necessary to submit to the State Concern «Turkmenhimiya», located at the address: Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil shayoly, 132.
- a written application about the desire to participate in the tender, indicating the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration, details;
- receive a package of tender documents by paying 1725 (one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five) US dollars, including VAT, or the equivalent in manats at the rate of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan (for residents of Turkmenistan).
Tender packages will be accepted after confirmation of payment for participation in the tender.
The deadline for submission of tender proposals is 30 (thirty) work days from the date of publication of the announcement in the newspaper «Neutral Turkmenistan».
Phones for information: (99312) 39-01-62, 39-01-58; faks 39-01-72
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